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Corporate Wellness

Presentations and Lunch & Learns

Have an open session for your company to learn about nutrition and ask questions. We’ll debunk nutritional myths and set the record straight on what you should really be eating for optimal health and a healthy relationship with food. 


What you get:

  • One-hour presentation/lecture style with Q&A session at the end

  • Coordinated nutritious catered lunch (if lunch & learn style)

  • Printed handouts created by JuliENERGYnutrition

  • Offer for attending employees to receive 25% off individual consultations with dietitian



Presentations and Smoothie/Cooking Demos

A 40-minute session followed by a 20-minute smoothie or cooking demo to engage your audience and teach them a balanced recipe to incorporate into their daily lives.


What you get:

  • 40 minute presentation/lecture style + 20 minute cooking/smoothie demo, complete with all ingredients & set-up provided

  • Printed handouts created by JuliENERGYnutrition

  • Offer for attending employees to receive 25% off individual consultations with dietitian



Individual 15-Minute Speed Sessions

Have your employees sign up for a 15-minute nutrition appointment. Employees will leave their sessions with their personal nutrition questions answered and inspired to make goals to improve their energy levels, sleep, quality of life or behaviors around food. 


What you get:

  • 15-minute mini sessions with goal setting

  • Each employee will leave with a packet of nutrition information and individualized goals



Educational Tabling

Add a table of nutrition information to your in-house wellness day or other events. I would come to you and set up a table for your employees to chat with me as they please on a topic of your choice. Tabling is a good option for smaller crowd conversation.


What you get:

  • Hands-on advice from trusted resource

  • Printed resources

  • Offer for attending employees to receive 25% off individual consultations with dietitian

  • Samples of food / smoothie to correspond to tabling topic


​© 2016 JuliENERGYNutrition LLC

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