The Importance of Water
As a registered dietitian, people always ask me what the ultimate nutrient is, and I always say …. Water. Without water, we just can not...

Nutrition and Breast Cancer
As a dietitian, I always say how lucky I am that I get to wear different nutrition "hats". For different clients I work with I have to...

Travel Stress Due To Food Anxiety?! Let's Talk Travel Snack Hacks.
The summer months mean holiday time. Traveling can be so exciting, but, for some of my clients, travel can bring stress and anxiety...

Is Breakfast Really the Most Important Meal of the Day?
One of the questions I get asked most often by my clients is: “Should I eat breakfast?” Lots of nutrition questions can be looked at from...

Managing Dietary Restrictions: Dairy Free
When you think “calcium,” what foods come to mind? For most, calcium equates to dairy – milk, cheese, and yogurt – and it’s true that...

Managing Passover Mindfully
The story of Passover portrays the Jewish people’s liberation from slavery in Egypt. It is described as a spring festival commemorating...

Valentine's Day the RIGHT way.
Traditionally Valentine’s Day is about the number two: two people in love, two plates at dinner, two glasses of wine – you get the idea....

Small Changes with a Focus on ADDING Nutrition not Restricting Nutrition this Year.
Okay, we are a week and a half into the new year. Anyone rethinking some of those changes you vowed to make? Here are 5 ways to make...

Fruit is NOT the enemy.
Fruit is NOT the enemy. I often have clients who tell me they cut fruit out of their life. Or, they limit fruit to only once in a while,...

Things I Learned as an Oncology Dietitian
This month is big for JuliENERGYnutrition, LLC because we are taking it to FULL TIME business hour availability. But, before I close the...