12 Ways to Listen to Your Body This Holiday Season
It's a week from Thanksgiving! Gratitude is in the air. There's lots to be grateful for and also the holidays can be overwhelming all at...

4 Ways to Continue Your Intuitive Eating Journey in a Hurricane
With the craziness that’s ensuing in South Florida, we need to be reminded of the things we can control and the things we can’t control....

5 Ways to Keep Diet Culture Out of the Classroom
We live in a time where diet culture is palpable everywhere. We live in a world where fat is shamed and food is scrutinized, and children...

Scooped Apple Salad with Pazazz
Apples are my all-time favorite fruit! They are crunchy and also soft. They can have a sweet flavor and can also have a tart zingy...

The Real "About Me." - A Letter to My Community on My Outlook as a Dietitian.
Hi Friends, I wanted to take this time to reintroduce myself and my company / brand. I have been a dietitian since 2013 and my company is...

The Importance of Water
As a registered dietitian, people always ask me what the ultimate nutrient is, and I always say …. Water. Without water, we just can not...

Small Changes with a Focus on ADDING Nutrition not Restricting Nutrition this Year.
Okay, we are a week and a half into the new year. Anyone rethinking some of those changes you vowed to make? Here are 5 ways to make...

Honoring Hunger and Satiety: The Key To Breaking Free From Food Obsession.
You’re sitting in front of the television engrossed in your favorite show on Netflix. You’re mindlessly snacking on a bag of chips only...